The story follows juvenile delinquent Jimmy Napkins, a young outcast who’s been expelled from every school he’s ever attended. If Jimmy can survive his last school year and outsmart his new rivals, he could rule the entire town. Take control of Jimmy in this graphic adventure full of sex, bad jokes, and wacky stories. Stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks, win or lose the girls, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the worst prep school around, Lustworth Academy, while avoiding being sent to jail for good.
1- Extract and run.
Censored: No
Version: v0.21a Extended
Language: English
Genre: 2DCG, Graphic Adventure, Male protagonist, Exhibitionism, Handjob, Parody, Big ass, Big tits, MILF, Masturbation, Vaginal sex.
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Secret Room Walkthrough
If you want to get to the secret room, play the game until you reach Day 2. A note will appear in Jimmy’s room with an invitation for Angie’s room. Once you got the note, look for the Wall of Prankmasters in the TV room. Click on the lion head and choose the right ‘poem’ (Roses are red…) You will show up in the secret room after a small cutscene. Click on the first door to the left. Enjoy!
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Secret Room Walkthrough
If you want to get to the secret room, play the game until you reach Day 2. A note will appear in Jimmy’s room with an invitation for Angie’s room. Once you got the note, look for the Wall of Prankmasters in the TV room. Click on the lion head and choose the right ‘poem’ (Roses are red…) You will show up in the secret room after a small cutscene. Click on the first door to the left. Enjoy!
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Secret Room Walkthrough
If you want to get to the secret room, play the game until you reach Day 2. A note will appear in Jimmy’s room with an invitation for Angie’s room. Once you got the note, look for the Wall of Prankmasters in the TV room. Click on the lion head and choose the right ‘poem’ (Roses are red…) You will show up in the secret room after a small cutscene. Click on the first door to the left. Enjoy!
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Secret Room Walkthrough
If you want to get to the secret room, play the game until you reach Day 2. A note will appear in Jimmy’s room with an invitation for Angie’s room. Once you got the note, look for the Wall of Prankmasters in the TV room. Click on the lion head and choose the right ‘poem’ (Roses are red…) You will show up in the secret room after a small cutscene. Click on the first door to the left. Enjoy!