Amidst the barren desert, an oasis shines like a beacon of hope, accessible only by a solitary road. The scorching sands loom on one side, while the weight of the past hangs heavy on the other. It’s a place where one can escape the harsh realities, but also confront them
You embark on a journey across the country, ultimately arriving at “The Last Oasis Before Chastity” – a desert oasis like no other. This is the last stop before Chastity, a city 666 miles away, and it is crucial that you stock up on enough water, gas, and food before leaving, as there is nothing between here and Chastity. But fate has other plans for you, as an unexpected event forces you to stay in the oasis for a while, giving you the chance to uncover its secrets and the truth behind that mysterious message. Explore the oasis’ bar, motel, diner, gas station, and even a water tower with a pink caravan at its base.
Some say the name “The Last Oasis Before Chastity” holds a double meaning, as it is not only the last chance to resupply, but also the last chance for pleasure before a long period of abstinence. The game is set in a scorching desert environment, but don’t let the heat fool you – there’s a touch of humor and unexpected twists around every corner. Meet an array of interesting and attractive characters, each with their own unique backstory to uncover. What secrets does “The Last Oasis Before Chastity” hold? The adventure is yours to discover in ‘The Last Oasis Before Chastity’ as you uncover the truth behind that mysterious message and leave your heavy past behind.